Learn How to Shred Calories & Burn Fat While you Build Muscle & A More Fit Body.
Be healthy enough to perform intermediate exercises, strength training, cardiovascular activities, and a desire to be healthier.
Section 1
Master Personal Trainer Patricia introduces a complete workout program to help you on your fitness journey. This video provides an overview of how to use this program, improve your health, lose weight, build muscle, increase your range of motion, and strengthen your heart.
Section 2
15 Minute Cardio Workout
What You'll Need:
-A small space
-A willing spirit
Join us for about 15 minutes of energizing movement. Low impact cardio for all levels.
During the movement, we talk about the importance of good posture and cardiovascular health, the best time of the day to exercise, and strategies to fit it into your day. We also discuss the importance of hydration and drinking water as I share my journey of going from a highly sugared soda to drinking only water.
We further explore the benefit of maintaining a positive mindset and the importance of a compelling vision of the fitness level you idealize. We discuss the idea of realizing that you can do it.
Finally, we teach the talk test method of discovering your heart rate zone and the proper amount of cool-down that you need following a cardiovascular session.
15 Minute Upper Body Workout
What You'll Need:
- Dumbbells, a few sized pairs preferably
- a mat/towel for the floor work
- optional bench for push-ups
We start with about three minutes of low-impact cardio and move into strength training for the upper body with push-ups, dumbbell flyes, and chest presses. We move into dumbbell rows and abdominal exercises. We continue with shoulder presses and then work our biceps with an optional challenge of balancing on one leg while we perform the dumbbell curls. Lastly, we perform dumbbell shrugs for our trapezium and levator scapulae muscles to round out this great upper body routine before ending with a nice stretch.
15 Minute Lower Body Workout
What You'll Need:
- a mat/towel for the floor
All Levels can do this bodyweight lower-body focused workout. We start with a great cardiovascular warm-up for about four minutes to prepare the body for exercise. Then, we work all our major muscles of the lower body with some squats, teaching you the proper form. We continue with standing leg raises and gate swings for a hip opener. Donkey kicks and bridges are taught as well as abdominal exercises that can be performed on the floor with a simple mat/towel for support. We strengthen our core, lower back, and glutes with bird-dog exercises, teaching several levels of the exercise. Finally, we end with a stretch.
15 Minute Full Body Workout
What You'll Need:
- a mat/towel for the floor
- a chair
- a wall
We prepare the body for a workout with a low-impact cardio warm-up session of about four minutes. Next, we perform triceps push-ups on the wall followed by floor push-up to planks to challenge the whole body. We add bird-dogs, hydrants, and scissors, teaching various levels of the exercises to make it appropriately challenging for you at whatever level you may be at. Abdominal exercises are intermixed with the lower body exercises on the floor to make this a great well-rounded routine to learn.
Section 3
Full-Body Stretching
Patricia demonstrates a stretching routine for post workouts, rest days, or anytime you need a stretch. Proper stretching techniques for each major muscle group will be demonstrated and a follow-along video format will allow students to perform all the stretches for a beneficial amount of time. These stretches do not make students get down on the floor so it is perfect for all levels of fitness.
Upper Body Stretching
What You'll Need:
-A little space and a Wall
Did you exercise your upper body with push-ups and the like and just need a quick stretch for the upper body? At the office and just want to work on improving your posture and relieving some stress? This is a great 5-minute routine to accomplish both, especially if you are short on time for a full-body stretch.
This is considered appropriate for all Levels as all stretches are performed from a standing position.
Lower Body Stretching
What You'll Need:
-Mat/Towel for the Floor
This lower body stretching routine was created for those busy individuals that want to just stretch the major muscles in the lower boy after cardio or lower body workout session and do not have time for a full-body stretching routine.
Who this course is for:
Anyone that is healthy enough to perform moderate activities of strength training, cardiovascular and stretching movements and has willing to learn the best ways to fit exercise into their lives.
Busy adults that want a good workout in about 15-minute intervals.
Course content
3 sections • 8 lectures • 1h 29m total length