WordPress Theme Development Tutorial Step By Step Free

This is going to be a fun tutorial where we inspect how to create your own WordPress Theme from scratch. In fact, we’ll begin with absolutely zero files and zero lines of code. The only way to understand how WordPress Themes work, is to really jump in at a low level and do every single thing yourself. Yes, it is tempting to avoid this because you can make WordPress do everything for you without any understanding of the code that powers it. This could be PHP, JavaScript, CSS, or even the basic HTML. By the end of this step by step WordPress Theme tutorial, you will understand how everything fits together and how to bend WordPress to your will with ease.

There are so many free themes available to you when you are running a WordPress website. Beyond the free themes, you might also choose to pay a premium for professionally made WordPress themes that look great and have fantastic features. So why learn how to create your own theme from scratch? The answer is that no matter what theme you are using, there is going to come a time when you want to make simple changes to your website. Some of those changes might be able to be accommodated by a simple plugin or widget. Many times, however, it makes more sense to understand what it is you want to change, how to change it, and avoid turning your WordPress website into a mess of plugins and add-ons that become unwieldy. With just a bit of foundation-level knowledge, you’ll be confident in modifying your theme or simply building your own from scratch. You’ll know which file to edit, and what code to add or modify to create your desired result.

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