A basic understanding of using operating systems, networks, and the Internet. Be able to download and install the software. A willingness to learn.
Please note this is Volume 1 of 4 of the complete course. After the completion of all 4 volumes, you will know more than 80% of security professionals, government and law enforcement agents, and even expert hackers about maintaining security, privacy, and anonymity.
Learn a practical skill-set in defeating all online threats, including - advanced hackers, trackers, malware, zero-days, exploit kits, cybercriminals, and more.
Become a Cyber Security Specialist - Go from a beginner to an advance in this easy-to-follow expert course.
Covering all major platforms - Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, macOS, and Linux.
This course covers the fundamental building blocks of your required skill set - You will understand the threat and vulnerability landscape through threat modeling and risk assessments.
We explore the Darknet and mindset of the cyber-criminal. Covering malware, exploit kits, phishing, zero-day vulnerabilities, and much more.
You will learn about the global tracking and hacking infrastructures that nation-states run. Covering the NSA, FBI, CIA, GCHQ, China’s MSS, and other intelligence agencies' capabilities.
You will understand the foundations of operating system security and privacy functionality. A close look at the new Windows 10 privacy issues and how to best mitigate them.
There is a complete easy-to-follow crash course on encryption, how encryption can be bypassed and what you can do to mitigate the risks.
Master defenses against phishing, SMShing, vishing, identity theft, scam, cons, and other social engineering threats.
Finally, we cover the extremely important, but underused security control of isolation and compartmentalization. Covering sandboxes, application isolation, virtual machines, Whonix, and Qubes OS.
This is volume 1 of 4 of your complete guide to cyber security privacy and anonymity.
Who this course is for:
This course is for anyone who wants to become an expert in security, privacy, and anonymity. This volume covers the required foundation building blocks of that skill set.
For anyone who would love to gain a practical skillset in mitigating the risk from, malware, Trojans, hackers, tracker, cybercriminals, and all online threats.
This course is for anyone who wants to keep their precious files, emails, accounts, and personal information out of the hands of the bad guys.
For beginners and intermediate Internet users who are interested in security, safety, and privacy.
For those who want privacy and anonymity online from hackers, corporations, and governments.
This course is designed for personal and home Internet security, privacy, and anonymity. Most of the topics apply in the same way to a business, but the course is delivered as if to an individual for personal Internet security, privacy, and anonymity.