Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) | All Course Materials

Seek no more!

Here are 500 practice questions developed to help prepare students for the Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) exam.

I designed this course to help provide a supplemental resource for studying for the CHFI exam -- as like many of you, I became extremely frustrated with the lack of learning resources with respect to computer forensics and his exam.

This course contains question drills, derived from my own notes, to provide the student a robust study resource that covers the broad scope of computer forensics and cybersecurity as it pertains to the CHFI exam.

This is an insanely difficult exam, as the material covers a wealth of knowledge. It's easy to get discouraged, but I promise if you stick with it, you can cook this goose. This certification is on the up-and-up, as it's constantly being added to cybersecurity and information assurance programs a la college curriculums and was just added to the Department of Defense (DoD) approved 8570.01 baseline certifications.

Please help me improve this course! Send me your comments and concerns and I'll do my best to help! Also, ratings and reviews are much appreciated. Thanks so much, and happy trails.

*** The material in this course has no affiliation with and is not intended to replace official EC-Council courses and study material. It's highly recommended you purchase the official exam material from EC-Council, as well as incorporate other learning resources into your studies. ***

Who this course is for:
Students preparing for the EC-Council CHFI (2019) exam (Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator)

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