Smartphone VIDEO: DIY Super Easy videography storytelling

Mobile phone Videography: StoryVideo Production for beginners using WeVideo App (iOS & Android) Editing in one hour!!

Smartphone or Tablet: Main focus in this course using WeVideo App on your Smartphone/Tablet
a downloaded copy of WeVideo App
Create your 'What I Overcame!' Theme Life Story Video and learning how to edit video using WeVideo App (iOS & Android)

Why StoryVideo? 

Storytelling (narrative) Video provides a better result than a video without a story and gives you more information in a short amount of time.

StoryVideo tells your personal story or behind the business and products.

Customers are attracted and feel more connected to your business by your voice and body language.

Why Create Story Video entirely using SmartPhone / Tablet?

SmartPhone (Cell Phone) is very handy and flexible to film speedy, in small space with different angles. SmartPhone Video quality is now HD 1080p same as TV broadcast video format.

Story Video can make a good connection with viewers and customers since social media get the trend. When people watch the videos created by a video camera, they automatically think it's a commercial video. 

Social Media friendly video is MUST now.

Let's start to create your story video in this course! See you inside of this course !!

Who this course is for:
Freelancer, Internet Business Owners, Etsy sellers, Amazon sellers, eBay sellers who NEED Personal Branding by Story Video
People want to make your sales and communication skill 400% up

Course content
4 sections • 15 lectures • 34m total length

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