Hello there, I’m glad that you chose my kit, hope it will help you achieve your goals and reach all that you wish.
I would like to share with you a short story about how ‘Revolution Youtubers Pack’ was done. As a motion designer, I thought how could I help people to make vivid and interesting animation to present their content and make it memorable as well as eye-catching, spending days and nights brainstorming, documenting ideas that evolved into the development of my own time-management system based on the Google Tables. :)
When the technical part of my project was clear to me and well documented, I’ve started to work on the visual part of my pack, digging inspiration from everywhere I can. Could it be street art, advertising banners, lonely people walking around in such strange times – every element inspired and helped to produce visuals for this pack. Then I’ve spent a lot of time testing every component and making more than a dozen drafts, edits and now you can finally meet my new project live.
What’s included?
- End Screens;
- Instagram Stories templates for YouTube;
- Animated subscription elements;
- Animated backgrounds;
- Animated quotes;
- Shape transitions;
- Animated icons;
- Color grade effects.