The Zen Methodology Secrets To Habit Formation

Learn To Form Habits That Will Increase The Chances Of Success In Your Personal And Professional Life
The Zen Methodology Secrets To Habit Formation

If your lie in any of the below points:-

. Procrastinate when we have difficult work to do.
· Avoid exercise and seek the comforts of the Internet.
· Eat unhealthy food and gain too much weight.
· Become overwhelmed, stressed out, and full of anxiety.
· Put off meeting new people because we’re afraid.
· Avoid pursuing our dreams, building a business, and finding our fulfilling careers.
· Avoid facing our debts so we can start building a more robust financial foundation.
· Put off our creative pursuits or the learning we’ve been wanting to do.
· Fail at new habits.
· Smoke, drink to excess, and become addicted to drugs, even though we know these things aren’t good for us.
· Doubt ourselves, feel bad about ourselves and compare ourselves to others.
· Become angry, frustrated, and judgmental of others.

What you’ll learn from this course isn’t how to make yourself a better person—it’s how to remove the things that get in your way. When we do that, we have happiness and peace. We no longer feel anxious, don’t need to procrastinate, let go of anger and resentment, and fully live in this moment, enjoying it. That’s what this course is about. Delving into the One Problem of the Mind Movie, and practicing with this method by experimenting with a small change . . . and in the process, mastering the skills of discomfort and change. With these skills, we’ll learn to form mindful habits that will make us good at any change we want and learn the flexibility we need to stick to that change for the long term. We’ll learn to deal with stress and anxiety, frustration with ourselves and others, procrastination and debt, and more. We’ll become masters of change. This is the  Zen Methodology Secrets To Habit Formation.

One small step at a time. It’s the only way to truly understand the concepts of the change—put them into practice. What I’ve laid out is a step-by-step plan for change, one step at the end of each day.  You’ll pick one small change to make, and implement it during the course. This means you’ll be taking the first step in getting used to discomfort, and also practicing a key principle that has helped me to change my life completely: Slow Change. It’s profoundly important, and yet slow change is difficult for most people because they want results right away. Finally, this course will require a commitment: you’ll need to set aside time to learn and practice it. This small time investment, of just 10 minutes a day, will result in great changes in your life if you can commit to it.

At the end of each day, I have issued an exercise for you that will help you to commit to making one small change in your life as you go through this course.
See You In The Course

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