Video Editing with Final Cut Pro X - From Beginner to YouTuber

About This Class
In this class, you'll learn everything you need to get started with Final Cut Pro, going from beginner to YouTuber. We'll work together to create a YouTube-style video following a 3-part workflow.

My FREE Skillshare Bonus Resources
As I mentioned in the course, I’ve now made a bunch of free resources for all of my Skillshare classes, exclusively for my Skillshare students. They’re packed with additional course-related content for every class, and will help you refresh what you’ve learnt, as well as explore some of the other classes you haven’t taken yet. Check it out here.


The three part workflow for editing videos is as follows:

A-Cut Assembly - We'll create our project, import our footage, and get to assembling the A-cut. We'll learn how use In and Out points effectively, how to append footage to our timeline and how to cut out all the inevitable mistakes and pauses to form a sharp, snappy edit. And we'll learn a tonne of keyboard shortcuts on the way to make the process as efficient as possible. 
B-Roll Shenanigans - With our A-cut sorted, we'll make our edit more interesting by adding B-roll - second camera clips, titles, transitions, lower thirds, images, screen recordings and even handwritten animations. 
Coats of Polish - We'll add background music to sound more pro, sound effects to our titles and transitions, vocal effects to our audio track (compression and EQ) and colour grading to give our edit the look and feel we crave. 
If you're a complete beginner to Final Cut Pro, we'll ease you in with the basic fundamentals before getting fancy with transitions and animations. And if you're an intermediate or an advanced user, hopefully you'll find something here that's useful (the iPad handwritten animation trick is pretty neat). 

Who am I?

My name is Ali - I'm a doctor working in the UK, and on the side I make YouTube videos about medicine, tech and productivity. I taught myself how to film and edit two years ago, and in that time my channel has grown to over 350,000 subscribers and generates more revenue than my full-time job as a doctor does. 

I often get questions on my videos asking for editing tips, or how I get certain effects like timestamps and animated handwriting, so I thought I'd put this course together to show the start-to-finish workflow of how I make my videos, and to hopefully help anyone interested in becoming a content creator. 

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