How to Get Unlimited Google Drive Storage free for lifetime-2022

If you are a free user of Google Drive, you may have only 15 GB of space of free google drive account. And if you want to maximize the google drive space, you will need to upgrade your Google Drive account by paying to google. I will share how to get unlimited Google Drive Storage in this article. Remember that you don't need to pay for the Google unlimited shared drive, and it's free. So in this article, I am going to share with you how to get unlimited Google Drive Storage for free. 

What is Google Drive?
Google Drive is a cloud-based storage and synchronization service developed by Google. Google launched the Google Drive service on the 24th of April, 2012. Google Drive allows users to store files and photos synchronized across devices and share files. And it has Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets, which are also part of office work.

Free Google drive provides the benefit of storing your file and accessing those files whenever and wherever you want.
How to get unlimited google drive storage for free?
As you know, Google provides users only 15GB of Free Google Drive space. To use more than 15GB, you must update the Google Drive Storage by payment. So if you want unlimited google drive free, you are on the right site. In this article, I will share with you two methods by which you can get free google storage for lifetime.
How to get unlimited google drive storage for students?
If you are a student and looking for unlimited Google Drive storage on your mail, Google may have an offer for you.  You can get unlimited google drive storage if you have an edu mail from your university. How to get unlimited google drive by Edu mail. This method is legal and recommended by me. In this method, we are going to use Edu mail to get unlimited google drive for free. If your university provides edu mail, you can use it to get google drive. 
Sign in with your edu email in google drive to get unlimited google drive for free.
Now you will get unlimited Google drive storage on your mail. This unlimited storage is yours in your edu mail. Now I will tell you how you can get it in your own mail.
Create a folder on your unlimited google drive storage.
Now right-click on this folder and click on the share button.
Now here, type your own mail and press on send.
Now open your personal drive and check on the shared drive option. You will get the folder.
Now right-click on the folder and press "Add shortcut to Drive".
How to get Unlimited free Google Drive free by Telegram?
This is an easy way to get Google Drive Unlimited Storage for free. This method will use a Telegram Bot to get Unlimited shared Google Drive.  As I mentioned that we will get an unlimited drive by Telegram. That's why we have to have an account on Telegram. So without further due, let's get started.
Note: I will recommend you do not store your very personal files on shared Google Drive. 
Goto telegram and open an account or log in to your existing account.
Search on Telegram @MSGuite_SD_Creator_Bot or Click here.
Now press on Strat.
After starting, the bot clicks on Generate TD.
Now it will ask for your email address. Type your email address and hit enter. 
Now right a name for your shared drive.
Now select a domain. Press on manual and select any domain. 
It will take 4/5 seconds to create your unlimited shared drive on your mail. 
Conclusion: Congratulations. I hope you already got your own free unlimited Google Drive. If you face any problems, you get unlimited google shared drive. Please contact us through telegram.  Telegram Channel link is here.

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