That is why I am asking that you only enroll because you really want to and start the course intending to make full use of all the resources.
You will be very welcome.
LATEST ADDITION: The December 2022 Economics Workbook current as of 10th December 2021
This course is a series of lectures – evolving lectures to represent current events – that act as a ‘video workbook’ for the following:
Real-world macro-economics (workbook completed and available)
Micro-economics (workbook completed and available)
Macro-economics (workbook planned but not filmed)
The format is the same throughout:
A series of lectures made up of two parts:
a. a recent article about the economy (by ‘recent’ October 2019) and questions related to the article
b. multiple choice question(s) on micro/macroeconomics
In this way, this course is a workbook IDEAL for those interested in CURRENT macroeconomics.
There is both a catch and a bonus.
The BONUS is that the course is built on participation and if people answer questions, and comment on answers then there will be more lectures added – regularly. However, if hundreds enroll and do not offer questions/answers, there will be fewer updates as there seems to be little point.
Therefore this course is FANTASTIC for people who want to learn about Economics by being involved, by doing questions, and by commenting on answers.