Data structure and algorithms for interviews 2023

Covers around 200+ most popular coding interview problems ranging from a variety of topics.
  1. Two Pointers
  2. Easy
  3. Pair with Target Sum
  4. Remove Duplicates
  5. Squaring a Sorted Array
  6. Medium
  7. Triplet Sum to Zero
  8. Triplet Sum Close to Target
  9. Triplets with Smaller Sum
  10. Subarrays with Product Less than a Target
  11. Dutch National Flag Problem
  12. Fast & Slow Pointers
  13. Easy
  14. Middle of the LinkedList
  15. LinkedList Cycle
  16. Medium
  17. Start of LinkedList Cycle
  18. Happy Numbers
  19. Bitwise Manipulation
  20. Single Numbers
  21. Single Number II
  22. Single Number III
  23. Flipping the image
  24. Sliding Window
  25. Easy
  26. Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K
  27. Smallest Subarray With a Greater Sum
  28. Medium
  29. Longest Substring with maximum K Distinct Characters
  30. Fruits into Baskets
  31. Hard
  32. Longest Substring with Distinct Characters
  33. Longest Substring with Same Letters after Replacement
  34. Longest Subarray with Ones after Replacement
  35. Arrays
  36. Medium
  37. Group Anagrams
  38. Hard
  39. Trapping Rain Water
  40. Merge Intervals
  41. Medium
  42. Intervals Intersection
  43. Conflicting Appointments
  44. Linked List
  45. Easy
  46. Reverse a Linked List
  47. Medium
  48. Reverse a sub list
  49. Reverse a k-element sub list
  50. Two Heaps
  51. Medium
  52. Find the median of a number stream
  53. Hard
  54. Maximum Capital
  55. Sliding Window Median
  56. Top k elements
  57. Easy
  58. Top ‘K’ Numbers
  59. Kth Smallest Number
  60. ‘K’ Closest Points to the Origin
  61. Connect Ropes
  62. Medium
  63. Top ‘K’ Frequent Numbers
  64. Frequency Sort
  65. Kth Largest Number in a Stream
  66. ‘K’ Closest Numbers
  67. Maximum Distinct Elements
  68. Sum of Elements
  69. Hard
  70. Rearrange String
  71. K-way merge
  72. Binary Search
  73. Greedy Technique
  74. Backtracking
  75. 1D Dynamic programing
  76. 2D Dynamic programing
  77. Cyclic Sort
  78. Topological Sort
  79. Stacks
  80. Queues
  81. Depth First Search
  82. Breadth First Search
  83. Trie
  84. Hash Maps
  85. Math Tricks
  86. Miscellaneous

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