In this course, you will learn about common attacks hackers use. If you are on the internet, you could be a target of a hacker. So how can you defend yourself?
There are many ways to prevent damage and save you money when you protect your systems against hackers. Common attacks happen all the time and cost individuals lots of problems.
However, they are not magic and you can defend against them. You will learn about Social Engineering, Phishing emails, Password attacks, and others.
You can take measures against these common attacks and prevent falling victim to them. While hackers do all kinds of attacks, the common attacks are the most likely to fall victim to.
After doing this course, you’ll feel safer online and be able to protect yourself against those common attacks hackers use. With hackers attacking all kinds of systems, it’s better to be sure and protect your data and systems when accessing the internet.
You don’t need any prior knowledge when doing this course. It’s a beginner's course but some tech skills will help. It will help you with cyber security. If you worry about getting hacked or don’t have a plan, this course is for you.