Welcome to the best and most industry-oriented hands-on course on Google Flutter where you’ll start from scratch and go step by step to become an industry-standard Flutter developer. We will respond to all of your DMs so that you have the best learning experience.
Here you’ll learn to use Flutter, Dart, and Firebase to build beautiful, high-performance production-grade apps for Android, iOS, and the web.
By the end of this course, you will be able to master topics like Layouts, animations, responsive handling, Streams, Future, Riverpod, Firebase, design patterns, and much more to develop apps that meet industry standards and get Google Flutter developer jobs.
Major companies such as BMW, Ali baba, eBay, Tencent, Toyota, Google, and many more are using Flutter for developing their apps. The demand is high but the supply of developers is low, so this creates the perfect opportunity for you to learn about this trending topic which is Flutter!
Having compiled over 2000 job descriptions, we are fully aware of the qualifications needed to become a skilled and well-paid Google Flutter developer. We created this course for anyone who wants to develop and release high-performance production-grade apps for Android, iOS, and the web all at once. What distinguishes this course from others is its industry standards. Your app may not be collaboration-friendly or may consume excessive power with the OS shutting the app down, making the app useless. However, similar disasters can be avoided with the right industry standards.
Major topics to be covered:
Creating Android, IOS apps and building websites
Mastering Animations & Layouts
More than 150 widgets
Dart Language
Responsive handling to make sure the app fits almost every screen
Portfolio of apps to impress recruiters and clients
Streams & Future
State management from basics to advanced topics like Provider & Riverpod & Hooks
Firebase hosting for free
Domain name transfer
Email authentication, Google authentication for web and mobile
Deep dive into No-SQL database (Firestore)
Design patterns like MVVM, MVC
The difference between a good developer and a great developer is how you code your apps to consume less power and that is exactly where we help you to stand out. It’s a commendable skill in the Flutter community. But it’s also a highly neglected skill. Fortunately, it’s one of the major topics you’ll master here.
With the amount of research we have done for a year, it ensures that you’ll not just be able to develop an app but develop it with industry standards and meet the requirements of most recruiters or clients. The apps you’ll build will meet proper standards and make your portfolio stand out. Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the best course on Google Flutter.
All the projects we will create in this course are selected in a way to demonstrate how you can create different user interactions and how important it is to have nested flows in Google Flutter apps. Further, we will look at some more advanced UI widgets that can make your apps look fantastic and very interactive. We will deal with accessibility and styling all while incorporating the trial-and-run approach.
This Google Flutter tutorial has illustrative videos to ensure the best learning experience for you. Our comprehensive videos and curriculum are built keeping in mind a beginner’s as well as a professional’s perspective. We have tried to answer as many questions and doubts as you might have throughout the course.
Our extensive study over the past year guarantees that you won’t simply create projects, but do so in accordance with industry standards and satisfy the needs of the majority of employers or clients. The apps you’ll create will be up to code standards and will distinguish your portfolio. This is without a doubt the best Google Flutter training available.
We are eager to have you enroll in this course!
If you’re still hesitating about joining us on this fantastic Google Flutter adventure, look at these comments:
The codes here are the latest. In other courses, most of the codes don’t even work as they are really old but this course is updated to the latest flutter version and everything is working perfectly. – Chandrima Pal
I have work experience in various tech companies and I think this course is fantastic! It’s very informative and useful! I like the fact that the videos are short and concise, and the instructors explain everything in a way that is easy to follow. The content is updated and gives me the confidence to use Flutter in my projects. – Karol José Gutiérrez Suárez
This course is a surprisingly comprehensive course to learn Flutter from scratch without prior knowledge of Dart! The course follows the current Industry standard and intuitively uses various interesting Projects, including Ninja Challenges to build up knowledge. One noteworthy thing to mention is the instructors- Sagnik and Paulina. They perfectly explain the course in a simple, structured and easy way that builds upon a foundation to use the wealth of knowledge gained in future job prospects. Besides the course has the added advantage of building up your CV by adding the projects. I’ve done 16 sections till now and they were very informative, and fun to learn. Being from a non-Computer Science background it was really easy for me to pick up. I cannot wait to learn more! – Raunak Banerjee
I have been waiting for a complete unto date flutter course for a while. I’m only two hours in and loving it. I’m annoyed that I have to leave for work now because I don’t want to stop. – Tom White
The most important topics are covered. I’d highly recommend it and give it even more than five stars! – Pritam Banik
I have learnt a lot from this course and I am currently working on a flutter project, it made me understand how all the widgets are fitting together. – John Williams
It’s also important to highlight that our students are from all around the globe!:
Esse curso é ótimo, muito bem feito. Os instrutores conseguiram pensar em tudo, e tive um ótimo aprendizado graças a eles, realmente é algo feito por profissionais, recomendo a todos. – Maikon Douglas de Souza Pádua
Mimo niedużej znajomosci jÄ™zyka Angielskiego spokojnie rozumiem póki co wiÄ™kszość kursu. Po zapoznaniu siÄ™ z pierwszymi lekcjami widzÄ™ że wszystko przedstawione jest bardzo przejrzyÅ›cie i w Å‚atwy i prosty sposób wytÅ‚umaczone. Polecam! – Dariusz BadziÄ…g
Cours très intéressant et instructif. La pédagogie et la clarté du contenu sont vraiment un plus. Je recommande sans hésiter ! – Rémy Hoarau Belkhiri