Land documents in five minutes as ministry launches online system

The land ministry has introduced online system to provide RS Khatiyan, a document for identifying land, in just five minutes in a bid to make land-related services easily available to citizens.

From now on, anyone can collect a copy of the record from websites,, from anywhere in the world.

Documents prepared through survey for the purpose of determining possession, ownership and assessing land development tax is known as Khatiyan or record of rights or Porcha.

Land Minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury inaugurated the online activities for providing RS Khatiyan on Wednesday at the Secretariat.

The method will create an opportunity to apply online for Namjari or ownership, settlement of disposal of cases in specific time and payments integrated with U-cash, bKash or e-challan, said the minister.

There will also be the monitoring facility through the land ministry or authorities concerned, 'RS-K' system (currently number of RS Khatiyan or Porcha is 14.5 million), scope to verify the records, integration with the ancestral calculator and the accuracy of the property distribution through the mobile app.

The land records and survey department has uploaded over 14.6 million out of 35 million Khatiyan under 32,000 mouza on the websites, according to the land minister.

After the completion of the survey, the rest of Khatiyan will be uploaded in phases, he said.

Acting Land Secretary Md Maqsudur Rahman Patwari said as per the conventional rules the Khatiyan or Porcha is given from the office of the deputy commissioner. The government introduced the online-based RS system to reduce the land-related complexities and make the services more transparent.

To obtain a printable copy of RS Khatiyan online, applicants will have to provide their names, identity, ID card number, phone number and some other details.

The copy will be provided online after the fee set by the government is paid through mobile banking or online banking.

The applicants will have to follow similar steps for a certified copy by post.

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